22 December 2012


Hello. My name is Shauna and I need to stop taking selcas instead of doing homework.
Pretty sure I took that last month, November. Which sounds crazy to say since it's December now aka 
almost Christmas aka almost 2013 WTF. 6th year is just flying. I actually cannot.

I'm trying to remember things I did in November but since the months have gone by so quickly my mind has blurred October and November together as one month wtf.

I think one of the most ~exciting~ things I did this month was go to see Macbeth in the Helix. My school didn't get tickets for the daytime showing, so we ended up leaving at 5pm to go to the later showing, which resulted in us getting back sometime after midnight.

Grainy selca with Lynnie while waiting for food in McMahons. Their pesto panini is the bomb digity yo.

Camera-avoiding ninja, Roi. u_u

Me, Lynnie, Roi, Anastasia, Gael & Eimear on the super comfy sofa in the Helix. There wasn't enough room for all of us so I was sort of lying on top of Lynnie. Sorry about that lolol.

I like when Roi suddenly decides she wants to take part in our camwhoring. ^_^

Overall the play was quite good. There were some...interesting scenes that we shall never speak of again. O_O Macbeth himself was a bit meh cause even though he's an awful person and etc. we're still supposed to feel sorry for him cause soul in torment and whatnot but like...I was sitting there just waiting for him to die cause he was starting to annoy me. Also, Fleance was cute.

The second (and last) remotely interesting thing I did in November was go to the Maynooth open day! We've been excited about this for ages cause we'd all get to spend the day with Lily, but then she had to go to a student protest that day so I only saw her for like...less than two minutes *sniffs*

I also got to meet Lynnie's ultra kawaii puppy Elvie/Elvey/how do you guise spell it otl.

Soooooooooo cute!!! T___________T

#thuglyfe #swag etc etc etc

I finally got to try Roi's Nutella hot chocolate! Seriously, she'd been telling me for like 1-2 years how amazing Nutella hot chocolate is and how she needs to make me some and omg, it was divineeeeeeeeeee. <3
Before we left for Maynooth! I remember it was super frosty that morning, and very very very very cold. *shivers*

Roi had to wear her school coat cause it was the only one she had lolol. I was gonna make a joke about her remembering her jeans this time at least...but then I realised she wore a dress. Two dresses, if I remember correctly. Roi is a master in the art of layering clothes yo.

Maynooth is definitely still my 1st choice but.....I'm still debating on what I exactly want to do. I honestly have no idea how some people know exactly what career they want to have at this age. There's so many things I want to do and the thought of sticking to the one career for the rest of my life seems awful. D:

And lastly, me, completely wrecked after Maynooth. My logic: lie down and take selcas instead of actually getting ready for bed wtf.

02 December 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas ^O^

^Hello totes original post title.
To celebrate the start of Christmas time, let's all gather around and have a big cheesy singalong with Frank and Bing. ^_^

For those living on the isle of Ireland, The Late Late Toy Show was on Friday! For those who don't know what it is, you're missing out on life yo. u_u I have to say the highlight of the show for me was this little dude....
I honestly couldn't stop laughing. Can he please be our future president?

Since it's now December, I can start finally preparing properly for Christmas without feeling odd. The house is almost fully decorated and I also got a really cute small tree for my room...which I've been meaning to get for I think 2 years now. Procrastination at it's best right there. I've also been planning out presents for friends & family too. *excitement*

Hello Kitty advent calender! The fact that it's cute makes up for the average chocolate inside ok.

I may or may not have finally purchased one of these today. Tacky Christmas jumpers are a necessity tbh. I would buy one for every day if I could. I should feel ashamed for writing that but.........I don't. #YOLO

Three of my favourite Christmas candles by Yankee. <3 Cara 2/C2/whatever they call their second shop were having a 3 for 2 on Yankee candles so, like, it would've been rude not to buy some and stuff and excuses lalalalal.

As you can probably tell, I'm in a rather Christmassy mood right now, which is going to be awful in the morning when I have to get up and go to school where it is freezing and poopy. But for now I shall remain in my Christmas bubble listening to Michael Bublé's Christmas album and forget the fact that I have a maths test tomorrow. ^_^

31 October 2012


Instagram pictures from the end of September (when I got my...*gasp* iPhone 5! O.O) up until yesterday. Totally don't have an Instagram addiction....

My Autumn has basically been full of school, procrastinating, coffee, sleep, wanting to sleep, coffee, school, study, homework, more procrastinating, cursing procrastination etc etc~
But I can't complain since I had some pretty good memories too and Autumn is one of my favourite seasons because I can finally start wearing knit jumpers, cardigans and whatnot on a regular basis wtf.

I also loved this Autumn very much because...........I GOT CONCERT TICKETS FOR BIGBANG!!!! Actually, I don't even think I properly realise that I'm actually going to their concert and will actually see them perform right in front of me, actually. I got standing tickets for the Dec 15th concert w00t w00t! I'm currently debating whether I should buy a VIP crown headband or lightstick. These are the difficult choices I must face now, my friends.

It was my first time travelling by train (in Ireland) in October. 3 hour journey from Dublin to Cork, it was amazing. Sooo much better than a bus.

I can't even remember taking this picture, but it was sometime after 6am so we were probably still half asleep orz

I super love this picture cause I caught Roi off-guard and her expression is so cute lolol. Yay for front cameras!
I was at the UCC open day btw. I know, so so so so far away but it's okay cause Maynooth is still my first choice! ^O^

Shaunaderp squared. Cause I don't have enough pictures with Shauna ok.

One Thursday evening in the library with Lynnie and Lauren, who got a little bit distracted by my phone lolol. 
cute depiction of how biology often makes me feel~

Lady making some new friends. ^-^ Although the grey one did try to bite her but she's a bit....moody at times.

Skyping with Roi and Riri (and also Roi's nephew in the bg!). I'm sad cause we only have a trial for group video chatting, and after that you have to pay like €40 per year to use it. BOO.

Shauna, Lily and myself on the bus. We were going to Dublin to attend the Gangnam Style flashmob! This would've been a nice picture if it wasn't for my...face. soz guise xo

Yesterday in the library. I couldn't contain my excitement while doing my mountain of German homework. :3

And again (blame the front camera wtf), looking a little more...not depressed this time?

Now I'm super excited for Christmas and all things Christmas related! *squeals* I saw an ad on tv for for Disneyland Paris 20th anniversary and it was Christmas themed and I was like *teary eyed* I think Disneyland would be so nice to visit during Winter, but only if it's the nice Winter weather where it's cold, but the sun still shines, and there's snow. :3 I also really want to visit Denmark, Germany or Paris in general during Winter sometime. Oh, and Belfast. I live like 3 hours away but I've never been. :( Ok I shall end this now before this turns into an essay of things I would like to do during Winter....


02 October 2012

Walking Paradox

I asked my dad to take some pictures of my outfit, and this is the only half decent one. Mainly because it's a candid shot, so I guess it looks more natural. And also the Lady photobomb.
I think I'll start doing more fashion/style related posts soon, since it's something I have an interest in and it means I won't just leave my blog sitting idle for months on end. Not entirely sure what I was aiming for with this outfit though....I shall call it hobo chic? Totes being a trendsetter right now.

Once I get familiar with trying out pictures with different angles/lighting/backgrounds etc. maybe, just maybe I'll have some half decent outfit posts up on my blog! (and maybe I'll even own a DSLR in the very distant future...*puppy dog eyes*)
But I think I am rather picky when it comes to things like this. I guess you could say I'm a perfectionist, but if that's so then I'm the laziest freaking perfectionist to ever exist. I am a walking paradox wtf.

17 September 2012

The Beginning Of The End

(Is it just me or does the title sound very morbid? o_o)

Hello! Yes, it is the start of my last year of secondary/high school. I think this week is my....third week back? I actually have no idea to be honest, but it feels like it's been five months.I was told by multiple people on multiple occasions that 6th year would be completely tiring, and the over-tiredness finally kicked in full swing this week. I think I took around three coffees every day wtf.

I don't really know why I'm even making this post. Maybe cause I haven't blogged in a while and I want to try and blog more. I always say that though, and never follow it through. -_- I also have no pictures for this post either so it's going to look rather bare.

Anyhow, this week I'm getting the first of the HPV (cervical cancer) vaccinations. O_O I wasn't really that nervous about it but then today I had this weird freak-out over it when I was sweeping the kitchen floor wtf. Then I read some articles about people who got serious side effects from getting the vaccination and now I'm slightly terrified.

I shall go to sleep now, since it's past my bedtime. Oopsies. I shall schedule this to post sometime tomorrow methinks. How exciting, my first scheduled post! 

Byeoooooooooooooooooooom! ^_^

23 August 2012

London Part 3

This will be the last post about my trip to London. If you haven't already, feel free to read part 1 and part 2 first!

I actually didn't take any pictures on day 4, I had a pretty chill day and just looked around some shops near where my cousins live. In the evening we went bowling which was fun, and I almost won on two occasions but then Shane bet me last minute both times. -_-' Oh, and the people working there spelled my name as 'Shavna' on the scoreboard screen lolol.
The Olympic 200m(I think) sprint took place while we were there too, and I swear EVERYONE in the bowling alley stopped what they were doing to watch it on the big screen and were cheering Usain Bolt on.

Stole this pic from Niamh's facebook. Shane and Darragh playing guitar hero, then in the distance you can see Niamh and myself failing at some dance machine. Everything was fine until we tried one of the more difficult levels. That's when my legs grew a mind of their own and ignored what my brain was telling them to do wtf.

Day 6
In the morning, I went to Brent Cross shopping centre which is where my mam used to always go shopping with her sister when she lived in London. It was sort of weird to think that 20 odd years ago, my mother was walking around here, shopping in the same shops as me. Well I guess a lot of the shops will have changed since then, but you know what I mean.

Quick picture I took of Wembley outside the station, I think an Olympic event was coming to an end soon 'cause there seemed to be a lot of security guards and the likes waiting for something.

Next stop, Oxford Street! *squeals* People told us that Oxford Street was practically dead because most people were keeping away from it (they thought it was closed off/too busy cause of Olympics), but it was very much alive and kicking when we got there pfft.

Oreo cupcake from Selfridges!!!!!!!! omfg. I cannot stress how amazeballs this tasted. If you go to Oxford Street you *HAVE* to go to Selfridges, even though the majority of things you will not be able to afford, it's still really nice to look around. ^_^

I find it so strange that the area is so big, there's maybe 2 or 3 different shops for a certain shop like Topshop or River Island. Here in Cavan we don't even have one! Although, I do think our Forever 21 in Dublin is nicer. But I do like the fact the one on Oxford Street has a larger accessory & shoes section.

We got to HMV right before closing time, and I was so disappointed by the kpop section. There was barely anything left in stock. *sniffs* I was tempted to buy Bubble Pop though, but it was £15 pounds wtf.

Also, if you like Topshop then you need to visit the one near HMV before you die because IT IS FOUR FREAKING FLOORS!!!! It has a cupcake & froyo stand. It is amazing. The bottom floor is full of pretty clothes that are ridiculously expensive and makes me sad. There are so many nice clothes. Pretty handbags. Shoes. Everything. I. Miss. It. We need one here. Please. Plzplzplz. Pl0xpl0xpl0x. Ok I shut up nao.

Some pictures I took shortly before we left:

Boo, you blur.

Day 7
Today was a travel day since it was basically just, well, traveling lol. My auntie & I left at around 11am and arrived 3 hours later in a small town in Manchester (she had some appointment), so I looked around the local shops while she was there. Then we had another couple of hours drive down to Holyhead to get the ferry!

A tunnel through a mountain somewhere in Wales. How cool is that?! There's actually a lot of pretty scenery along the way but it was difficult to take non-blurry photos of because we were driving. There was also a sign saying no horses, or horses & carts were allowed in the tunnel lololol.

Costa coffee to go & my first ever Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I'm so glad these are extremely rare to find in Ireland cause they're super addictive and I'd become as fat as a fool. -_-'

We got a really good spot to sit on the ferry since there weren't many people on it. It was my first time traveling by ferry, and I really enjoyed it. It was actually quite relaxing. I would be saying otherwise if the weather hadn't been so calm, though.

Sailing off into the sunset. So pretty. ^_^

Approaching Dublin! This is the best picture I could get. *sniffs* My digital camera has such a harsh flash and I shall not start on my 3GS camera lolol. You'll just have to hop on a ferry to Dublin to experience it for yourself ok? ok.

I think I will do a ~London haul~ type post sometime soon, maybe in the next few days, so please try to contain your excitement until then!

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15 August 2012

London Part 2

I should probably be wearing my glasses right now since it's nighttime and my laptop is currently the only source of light in this room and my eyes are starting to feel like. e_e But now I shall talk more about my trip to London! Click here for part 1 if you haven't read it yet.

Day 3
I just did my makeup & the lighting was good, so this was basically a sign for me to camwhore. Actually this is the only time I really camwhored while in London.

So...the next picture will be a hint of where I went this day. It's gonna be excruciatingly difficult to figure out though, I tell you. ;)

Casual lunch date with Brangelina of course! They told me to dress casual and they turn up looking like this. *shakes fist*
Actually, looking back on my outfit now.........I don't know if I like it all that much anymore. Also my bag is positioned really awkwardly in all of these pictures argggg.

So yes, on day 3 of my London trip I went to Madame Tussauds with Darragh & my cousin Shane (Siobhan & Niamh's brother, so he also lives in London). It was quite crowded and sometimes awkward getting pictures taken cause there always seemed to be someone glaring at me to hurry up like wtf no, have patience bitch. Also parents trying to push their kids in to get a picture before another person was SUPERRRRRRRR ANNOYING. Your children probably don't even have a flying fuck of who the wax figure is anyway.

Russel Brand! I tried to copy his pose...*insert close enough meme*
I think this one looks pretty realistic but idk if it's the angel but his head looks freaking huge next to mine.

Andy Warhol style pictures of some famous peoples. ^_^

Oh god I am awful at copying poses wtf.

Looking like poop next to probably the most beautiful person to ever exist. :3

Usain Bolt, doing his signature pose of course! I wonder if I told people I actually met him during the Olympics would they believe me....

This is the part where my camera dies and I feel awfully stupid for not charging the battery the night before!

Slightly annoyed my picture with MJ was the only picture to come out blurry. So typical! But I'm still like *___* at the fact that this was MJ's actual hand print & autograph. I was pretty much just standing there in awe thinking "Michael Jackson actually touched this once ASDFGHJKLGJDALHDLK"

Pictures of Michael at Madame Tussauds/during the making process of his figures. There were three figures of him in total, I think!

THIS SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME! It was sort of in the middle of a crowd so I got a huge fright when I realised it wasn't a person. The same thing happened with me and Justin Timberlake lolol. The funny thing about this it that when I was taking the picture, another girl walking past jumped back in fright too. *feels less silly*

Freddie Mercury! I forget to get a picture with him orz

I...don't know what to say about this one lol. Hitler is cursing me behind my back, and Churchill is like *judging you face*, how r00d!!

Madame Tussaud herself! There's a room dedicated to her, and the making process of the wax figures. Beyonce does a voice over for it too. o_O

Some 4D film with the lamest story ever. I still thought it was good though. I always find it funny how 4D is basically just 3D with random water and air effects thrown in.

They also have this 'taxi' ride, which basically takes you through a history of London. It was nice, but they said to take no pictures so I was a good girl and obeyed the rules. :3
There's also this thing called 'Scream' which I did not go into cause it looked absolutely terrifying. From what I've gathered, it's this walkway through the dark with real people who are dressed creepily and jump out and try to scare you and stuff. No nonoononon noooooo. I would never take part in something like that, unless I wanted to sleep with a light on and my daddy on guard at my door for the rest of my life.

Walking down Baker St. afterwards. Shane got in the way of my picture haha.

When we arrived at Wembley station on the way back, it was super super super crowded since an Olympic football match has just ended.(forget who was playing, possibly Brazil and someone else?). I wanted to take a picture, but it was nearly too crowded and I probably would've bumped into a bunch of people in the process of doing so. 

I think...we went to the cinema in the evening, but ended up not seeing anything since the tickets for Batman were all sold out, which was really strange since it's been out for a while now. So we went back home (well my temporary home in London lol), ordered a shitload from Domino's cause we had a 50% off code and watched 21 Jump Street! Also, we got out Domino's delivered by MOTORBIKE!! I wish we had services like that here, but I guess it would be difficult to do in the middle of nowhere. #countrysideprobz
