02 December 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas ^O^

^Hello totes original post title.
To celebrate the start of Christmas time, let's all gather around and have a big cheesy singalong with Frank and Bing. ^_^

For those living on the isle of Ireland, The Late Late Toy Show was on Friday! For those who don't know what it is, you're missing out on life yo. u_u I have to say the highlight of the show for me was this little dude....
I honestly couldn't stop laughing. Can he please be our future president?

Since it's now December, I can start finally preparing properly for Christmas without feeling odd. The house is almost fully decorated and I also got a really cute small tree for my room...which I've been meaning to get for I think 2 years now. Procrastination at it's best right there. I've also been planning out presents for friends & family too. *excitement*

Hello Kitty advent calender! The fact that it's cute makes up for the average chocolate inside ok.

I may or may not have finally purchased one of these today. Tacky Christmas jumpers are a necessity tbh. I would buy one for every day if I could. I should feel ashamed for writing that but.........I don't. #YOLO

Three of my favourite Christmas candles by Yankee. <3 Cara 2/C2/whatever they call their second shop were having a 3 for 2 on Yankee candles so, like, it would've been rude not to buy some and stuff and excuses lalalalal.

As you can probably tell, I'm in a rather Christmassy mood right now, which is going to be awful in the morning when I have to get up and go to school where it is freezing and poopy. But for now I shall remain in my Christmas bubble listening to Michael Bublé's Christmas album and forget the fact that I have a maths test tomorrow. ^_^

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