22 December 2012


Hello. My name is Shauna and I need to stop taking selcas instead of doing homework.
Pretty sure I took that last month, November. Which sounds crazy to say since it's December now aka 
almost Christmas aka almost 2013 WTF. 6th year is just flying. I actually cannot.

I'm trying to remember things I did in November but since the months have gone by so quickly my mind has blurred October and November together as one month wtf.

I think one of the most ~exciting~ things I did this month was go to see Macbeth in the Helix. My school didn't get tickets for the daytime showing, so we ended up leaving at 5pm to go to the later showing, which resulted in us getting back sometime after midnight.

Grainy selca with Lynnie while waiting for food in McMahons. Their pesto panini is the bomb digity yo.

Camera-avoiding ninja, Roi. u_u

Me, Lynnie, Roi, Anastasia, Gael & Eimear on the super comfy sofa in the Helix. There wasn't enough room for all of us so I was sort of lying on top of Lynnie. Sorry about that lolol.

I like when Roi suddenly decides she wants to take part in our camwhoring. ^_^

Overall the play was quite good. There were some...interesting scenes that we shall never speak of again. O_O Macbeth himself was a bit meh cause even though he's an awful person and etc. we're still supposed to feel sorry for him cause soul in torment and whatnot but like...I was sitting there just waiting for him to die cause he was starting to annoy me. Also, Fleance was cute.

The second (and last) remotely interesting thing I did in November was go to the Maynooth open day! We've been excited about this for ages cause we'd all get to spend the day with Lily, but then she had to go to a student protest that day so I only saw her for like...less than two minutes *sniffs*

I also got to meet Lynnie's ultra kawaii puppy Elvie/Elvey/how do you guise spell it otl.

Soooooooooo cute!!! T___________T

#thuglyfe #swag etc etc etc

I finally got to try Roi's Nutella hot chocolate! Seriously, she'd been telling me for like 1-2 years how amazing Nutella hot chocolate is and how she needs to make me some and omg, it was divineeeeeeeeeee. <3
Before we left for Maynooth! I remember it was super frosty that morning, and very very very very cold. *shivers*

Roi had to wear her school coat cause it was the only one she had lolol. I was gonna make a joke about her remembering her jeans this time at least...but then I realised she wore a dress. Two dresses, if I remember correctly. Roi is a master in the art of layering clothes yo.

Maynooth is definitely still my 1st choice but.....I'm still debating on what I exactly want to do. I honestly have no idea how some people know exactly what career they want to have at this age. There's so many things I want to do and the thought of sticking to the one career for the rest of my life seems awful. D:

And lastly, me, completely wrecked after Maynooth. My logic: lie down and take selcas instead of actually getting ready for bed wtf.

02 December 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas ^O^

^Hello totes original post title.
To celebrate the start of Christmas time, let's all gather around and have a big cheesy singalong with Frank and Bing. ^_^

For those living on the isle of Ireland, The Late Late Toy Show was on Friday! For those who don't know what it is, you're missing out on life yo. u_u I have to say the highlight of the show for me was this little dude....
I honestly couldn't stop laughing. Can he please be our future president?

Since it's now December, I can start finally preparing properly for Christmas without feeling odd. The house is almost fully decorated and I also got a really cute small tree for my room...which I've been meaning to get for I think 2 years now. Procrastination at it's best right there. I've also been planning out presents for friends & family too. *excitement*

Hello Kitty advent calender! The fact that it's cute makes up for the average chocolate inside ok.

I may or may not have finally purchased one of these today. Tacky Christmas jumpers are a necessity tbh. I would buy one for every day if I could. I should feel ashamed for writing that but.........I don't. #YOLO

Three of my favourite Christmas candles by Yankee. <3 Cara 2/C2/whatever they call their second shop were having a 3 for 2 on Yankee candles so, like, it would've been rude not to buy some and stuff and excuses lalalalal.

As you can probably tell, I'm in a rather Christmassy mood right now, which is going to be awful in the morning when I have to get up and go to school where it is freezing and poopy. But for now I shall remain in my Christmas bubble listening to Michael Bublé's Christmas album and forget the fact that I have a maths test tomorrow. ^_^
