04 June 2012

Hello, Summer

Time definitely goes by quicker the older you get, because 5th year flew by way too fast........ and technically I am a 6th year now WTF?! O_O
I finished my exams on Friday (June 1st), of course music was the last exam as usual tschhhhh.
But whatevs, I am now free for (almost) 3 months to sit back, relax and catch up on music, TV, dramas, books etc. etc.  ^_^ I decided to start learning how to play the guitar to keep me occupied and also if I get a better camera, I might learn a bit about photography because I've been meaning to for ages now....like maybe over two years. *procrastination*

The weather has been osm lately, like last week & the week before you'd swear we weren't in Ireland any longer cause the weather was just glorious which resulted in me getting some lovely tan lines.

It gave me an excuse to eat a tonne of ice-cream though. ^O^ Calippos are amazing *drools*

Being totes artistic with Lynnie in her back garden~ this is before we watched the Eurovision together! ^O^

I like this picture, even though my head looks huge next to Lynnie's lolol. But somehow the angle makes my arms looks way skinnier than they really are so I'm like aw yeah =_=

Obligatory derpy selca.

Was actually pretty disappointed with Ireland's result but oh wells! I still had fun watching the show, and I am now just slightly obsessed with Can Bonomo. I even downloaded his album from iTunes. o_o

2 days ago (June 2nd) I had my first performance with my school choir outside of the school... like seriously, I've been in the choir since 1st year and we've never done any performances outside of school. u_u Anyhow, it was at Phil Coulter (dude who wrote/composed Irelands Call...at least I think he wrote it too? idk... too lazy to check.) and he's composed other shizz too but also too lazy to check. He was actually quite diva-ish... he was supposed to accompany us for three songs, but last minute he changed it to only one song, and my music teacher would have to accompany us for the others and she had to bring her own piano cause he wouldn't let her use his otl. But it was still a pretty cool experience & decided that Shauna & I shall enter the Eurovision in the near future with a top secret song that will blow your minds away and amaze you. o_e

Creeping on Lily who is like *glares* :3

I think I sort of ruined this picture oopsies. Lynnie & Lily are like *big smiles* and I'm like *WAIT WTF I AM NOT READY FOR THIS PHOTO HALF-SMILING*

Okie, so I shall go now & read! Still reading Wild Swans by Jung Chang cause I had to abruptly stop reading it for a while since I had no time w/ school, exams & shizz. Yup.........so I never know how to end my blog posts so goodbye for now?? ^_~

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