19 April 2011

What I'm currently reading

The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern

I actually bought this a while ago, before Christmas in Easons when they were doing one of their '3 for 2' offers. Since it was the cheapest item I bought I basically got it for free. :)
I forgot I even had this book until a few days ago when I saw it lying on my bookshelf. So I started reading it on Saturday and now I have one or two chapters left. It is quite interesting to read but I do find myself skipping some paragraphs here and there, but I did that in another Cecelia Ahern book I read before (Where Rainbows End. I guess I just don't like it when authors drag on about pointless things too much. >_<'
But there are some funny parts in the book too, since Tamara, the main character, is a sarcastic bitch. XD And some of the characters are so odd it's funny.
I can't wait to finish it to see how it will end, hopefully it'll be good because I hate it when books have crappy endings. =.=

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