11 April 2011

Forgotten Again...

This is the second time my bus driver has forgot to stop by my house. I even told him I'd be on the bus this morning, aish that man is so forgetful!
So instead I'm gonna have a pretty chill day. Finally finished editing a vlog, they take me an age edit right now since my laptop battery is dead and it's extremely laggy at times (basically it's 'plugged in but not charging' but I'm getting a new one within the next few weeks, thank God!).

I also have three projects to work on as well. TY is soon coming to an end so I'll be rushing like mad to have everything finished for graduation. Procrastination not ftw! -_- It doesn't even feel like I'm almost finished a school year, it's going by way too fast. But I guess all good things must come to an end..

Oh, not that anyone will really care, but I handed up my final subject choices around two weeks ago. I chose to keep on German, music, biology and history (along with English, Irish and maths) I hope I made the right choices, we'll see next year anyway!

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