So anyway our second day in Cork... we had finally met up with aunties/cousins etc. the day before and we really had no clue what were were gonna do today then~ so we sort of just drove off and our first stop was at the museum that was mainly just based on the famine, it was sort of small but my dad wanted to visit it~
Didn't really take much pictures, but here's a random fact for you. Can you imagine eating that many potatoes each day wtf?! D:
After this we finally decided to drive out to Mizen Head, which is the most southern point you can go to in Ireland... I almost died on the way there because my heart was like LKHFAHGAKJAGKH because the roads were so narrow and high up and close to the sea, my dad thought it was freaking hilarious pfft -_-'
View from the car park. So pretty!!
We got our tickets and off we go~ it was super foggy so everywhere looked quite mysterious o.O
But I'm just glad I wore my converse because......
There was a lot of walking and stairs involved in this process... Anyone who wore uncomfortable shoes here would definitely regret it and their feet would hate them forever ^_^
Leprechaun house...yeah idk what it was but it looks really creepy.
There was an piece in the news about this bridge a few days later, saying it had just recently been officially opened and cost a few million €'s to build O.O
Personally I think this is a pretty good shot~ took it back at the car park again. The buildings in the distance used to be where the control system(??) for people watching the boats and weather station things were kept... actually I'm just guessing that and I actually haven't got the foggiest idea harharhar. But it's a little museum type of place now *cough*forgot to take pictures inside*cough*
Ok and finally our last stop for the day was sooooo nice, it was this amazing beach that I forget the name of oops sorry sorry sorry sorry *dances*
It was so nice, quiet and I've never seen water so clear and clean on a beach before o_o
Windswept selca OTL
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheh :3
Yey I was so happy *facepalm* and my crazy auntie over there......
She wrote 'HERP' wtf hahaha I walked back down later, saw it and wrote 'DERP' underneath. I didn't realise until I got home and looked through pictures that it was her that wrote it. >_<'
Last picture is super creepy but if you know me well, you'll know I am the master of taking le creeper pictures....
My cousin & his girlfriend.... I took like two more but I couldn't resist cause they're like the cutest couple ever, OKAY? O.O Plus I think this picture looks really cool *praises self*
I have more pictures from the hotel I stayed in, it had really nice gardens outside but that would just make this post crazy long and I doubt anyone is still even reading this so BAI BAI~! ^^
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