02 October 2012

Walking Paradox

I asked my dad to take some pictures of my outfit, and this is the only half decent one. Mainly because it's a candid shot, so I guess it looks more natural. And also the Lady photobomb.
I think I'll start doing more fashion/style related posts soon, since it's something I have an interest in and it means I won't just leave my blog sitting idle for months on end. Not entirely sure what I was aiming for with this outfit though....I shall call it hobo chic? Totes being a trendsetter right now.

Once I get familiar with trying out pictures with different angles/lighting/backgrounds etc. maybe, just maybe I'll have some half decent outfit posts up on my blog! (and maybe I'll even own a DSLR in the very distant future...*puppy dog eyes*)
But I think I am rather picky when it comes to things like this. I guess you could say I'm a perfectionist, but if that's so then I'm the laziest freaking perfectionist to ever exist. I am a walking paradox wtf.

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