13 June 2012

My Super Interesting Week

Hello ^_^

I'm not even sure what day it is today. I think it's Tuesday/Wendnesday......*checks phone* yup it's Wednesday! This is what summer does to me, and also it completely screws up my body-clock. -_-'

Since we had pretty good weather some days last week/weekend (other days it was lashing rain the whole day o_O) I went for some walks since there's not much else to do when you live in the middle of no where you know~

 Lady loves going for walks multiple times every day. I swear she has an unlimited supply of energy. Lucky her. o_e

Daisies(and also a buttercup trying to photobomb). I would say they're one of my favourite flowers 'cause they're so simple yet pretty at the same time and 'cause daisy chains are awesome.

I am too artistic yo~ everything has gotten really green recently. Everything meaning grass/leaves and the likes. Maybe it's been like that for a while and I'm only copping on now cause /insert slowpoke meme/

Am I weird for having bread with fruit salad? People are usually like o_O when I mention it. I just like bread you know. Actually I made this bread myself~ I love bread. Bread is amazing. Bread bread bread bread bread. Repetitiveness. Oh and that's natural yoghurt mixed w/ manuka honey on the BREAD btw. I'm trying to eat healthier again since over the past few months I've been eating really bad food orz

Evidence of my cray cray body-clock. I couldn't sleep at all one night so I then decided sometime after 4am to go for a jog/walk. It was only starting to get bright and the moon was still in the sky. D:

Everywhere looked really pretty so I couldn't stop taking pictures, probably due to my lack of sleep deliriousness. You can sort of see the cows in the distance here.

 It took me ages to get the right position for this one. *dedicated photographer*...sort of.

I looooove the quietness of really early mornings. It's so peaceful, apart from the birds making a shitload of noise. *shakes fist*

Sunrise~ which look soooo much nicer IRL, but I was only using an iPhone camera so I wasn't expecting some sort of masterpiece. >_<' Watching the sunrise and stargazing are two of my favourite things to do, I find it quite relaxing and all that jazz.

Ah yes~ other things I've been doing to keep myself occupied....

Sorting out all our photo albums. I swear my parents originally put them into these albums half asleep. >_<' Some of the smaller albums are grand but the big one is just all over the place. One of my aunties has her photo albums organised in a completely OCD way... I think she even records it down to the very date....wouldn't be surprised if she had the time too o_o

Reading! I used to read so much when I was younger, then I stopped for a while and now I'm starting to become my old bookworm self again. Got these at a second-hand bookshop over the weekend. I'm not even sure if I'll get round to reading them before summer is over though, then I probably won't have time during the year (thanks, LC ^_^) so I mightn't even get looking at these until next summer which sounds crazy rn.

This is the book I'm currently reading~ it's by the same author as the Mao book from the picture above. I seriously recommend anyone reading this post to check out this book if you haven't already. Maybe not those of you in China though since it's banned there. o-o Blogspot is more than likely banned there too so..

Oh~ and I got these two awesome photo-frames in town at the weekend in the second Cara Pharmacy shop, I didn't even realise they sold such awesome stuff upstairs I was like O______O *grabby hands*
I chose a picture of my baby me and my dad, since my dad always derps in photos  and this one turned out pretty nice. Also most of our nice family pictures seem to be landscape. Second picture is me (I think I was around 7-ish) and my old cat Felix as a kitten. RIP Felix *sobs* me and my mother cried so much when he died omg. TT___TT

And I shall end this with a photo of Sheba being her usual lazy self and sleeping on my bed!

Bye! ^_~

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